We continue to provide support to junior Sudanese doctors willing to work in the UK, and endeavour to help those who require assistance or guidance to undertake their postgraduate training in the UK.
To achieve our aims, we work closely with our partners in the Sudanese Junior Doctors Association in the UK (SJDA-UK). To learn more about training and settling in the UK, you can visit their page at:
Some of our recent advocacy activities for junior doctors
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the SDU-UK embarked on collaborative advocacy activities that led to the scrapping of the NHS Immigration Surcharge. We provided support and guidance to Sudanese junior doctors who were stranded in the UK due to the cancellation of their Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) exams. Moreover, we also addressed and challenged the restrictions imposed on Sudanese doctors sitting for the Royal Colleges’ exams after adopting the electronic sitting system (Pearson VUE/OnVUE system).
In 2020–2021, we took the initiative and contacted the General Medical Council (GMC-UK) and other relevant bodies to resolve the specialist registration obstacles for junior overseas doctors on the combined training pathway. Our efforts culminated in an agreement by the GMC to issue a standard Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) to those completing the combined pathway.
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